Local News

Storms down large tree in Ashland's Central Park

Storms down large tree in Ashland's Central Park

ASHLAND — Cleanup continued over the weekend after a large tree fell in Ashland’s Central Park following storms in the area last week.

State sending support to Logan hospital

State sending support to Logan hospital

Hurricane woman turns sink hole into haven

Hurricane woman turns sink hole into haven

South Charleston eatery serving up fair food without the fair

South Charleston eatery serving up fair food without the fair


Church remembers the other epidemic and prays for hope

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  • Storms down large tree in Ashland's Central Park
  • State sending support to Logan hospital
  • Hurricane woman turns sink hole into haven


  • Bar closure extended for second time in Monongalia County
  • Storms down large tree in Ashland's Central Park
  • State sending support to Logan hospital
  • Hurricane woman turns sink hole into haven
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  • Church remembers the other epidemic and prays for hope
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Bar closure extended for second time in Monongalia County

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The state is providing support to two hospitals, including Logan General Hospital, after break-outs of COVID-19 were identified in staff and patients.

Coronavirus threat rises across US: ‘We just have to assume the monster is everywhere’

Coronavirus threat rises across US: ‘We just have to assume the monster is everywhere’

The coronavirus is spreading at dangerous levels across much of the United States, and public health experts are demanding a dramatic reset in the national response, one that recognizes that the crisis is intensifying and that current piecemeal strategies aren’t working.

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Photos: South Point High School football practice

Photos: South Point High School football practice

Photos: South Point High School football practice
Photos: Marshall University football team conducts indoors practice session

Photos: Marshall University football team conducts indoors practice session

Photos: Marshall University football team conducts indoors practice session

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Photos: “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”

Photos: Marshall Football Practice, July 31

Photos: Marshall Football Practice, July 31
Photos: Bhakti Vinyasa: Yoga in The Park


Photos: Bhakti Vinyasa: Yoga in The Park


South Charleston eatery serving up fair food without the fair

South Charleston eatery serving up fair food without the fair

In the middle of a rainy afternoon, the crowd around Carnival Eats at the Riverwalk Plaza, in South Charleston, had thinned out. The tables on the sidewalk were full, but there was still a pair of empty tables inside the small eatery’s dining room.

Girl Scouts make, donate face masks

Girl Scouts make, donate face masks

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Adopt a pet

NAME, SIZE AND BREED: AraBella was brought in with her brother, Dash, when their family had to relocate and could not take them. She is 2 years old and weighs 50 lbs.




HUNTINGTON — Two former Marshall University and Major League pitchers defended Los Angeles Dodgers hurler Joe Kelly, who was suspended last week for throwing at, and taunting, Houston Astros batters.

Herd's Wells, Zban both impress in Saturday's team period


HUNTINGTON - During the team portion of Saturday's scrimmage, Marshall quarterbacks Grant Wells and Luke Zban each made impressive throws that caught the attention of coaches and teammates.


Chuck Landon: MU fans worried about losing 'The Union'

Say it ain’t so, Herb, say it ain’t so.



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West Virginia broadcasters to be inducted into Hall of Fame

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